A free air conditioner from the government? It’s true! The US Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network have an air conditioning campaign that will allow you to get a free air conditioner unit if you qualify based on income and family size. Here’s how it works….
A lot of people think that the government only helps poor people, but did you know that you can also get a free air conditioner from the government? There are several places where you can apply for this program without paying any money out of pocket.
Here’s what you need to know about getting a free air conditioner from the government so that you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on utilities over the summer months!
If you’re in the market to buy an air conditioner, consider looking into your state or local government’s programs before making a purchase—you may be eligible to receive one completely free of charge!
This can mean lower utility bills and possibly even less money spent on cooling your home. Read on to learn more about how and why you can get a free air conditioner from the government!
Who Can Get Free Air Conditioners?
The government is giving away free air conditioners for Veterans, low-income families, and people with disabilities. The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are teaming up to make this possible.
They’re encouraging Americans to apply for LIHEAP – Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. It provides financial assistance in paying home energy bills, including cooling costs during hot summer months.
The DOE says that housing is at the core of economic security, and as temperatures are on the rise they want to help those who need it most stay cool in their homes during these dog days of summer.
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Do I Qualify For A Free AC Unit?
If you’re an American citizen and your income falls below certain levels, then you may qualify for a free air conditioner. It’s important to note that even if your income is too high to qualify.
You might be able to receive financial assistance through utility companies or private organizations. The first step is to make sure you live in an area where this service is available.
Next, contact your local energy company and find out how much it would cost for them to install and provide maintenance on an energy-efficient air conditioner of your choice (between 13 SEER and 19 SEER).
If the price isn’t too high, then they will either give or sell one to you at that price.
When Can You Get Your Free Air Conditioner?
The application for free air conditioners is only for disabled veterans and widows of disabled veterans, but you can also get one if you are low-income or on an energy assistance program.
The application period for the two programs is between May 2nd – August 31st. If you qualify, there will be an in-home installation in late July or early August. The deadline to apply is August 30th.
Requirements For Free Air Conditioner
To qualify for a free air conditioner, you must meet certain requirements and complete an application. The qualifications to receive a free air conditioner are as follows:
To qualify for an energy efficiency upgrade, you must:-
- Be at least 18 years old and live in your home as your primary residence.
- Have a household income less than or equal to 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines.
- Have an air conditioning unit that is 10+ years old or has never been replaced.
- Must live in a household with less than $1,500 in total monthly gross income.
- The home must not have a central AC.
- Households must have no other access to funds for emergency home repairs.
- They must not be able to borrow funds for emergency home repairs that would include buying an air conditioner or repairing their existing one.
- You must own a home and be your primary residence (rental properties do not qualify).
- Own up to four units of all types of air conditioning (central air included).
- Must sign an agreement saying they will notify the government if any changes occur in their household that may change eligibility during the year.
- Must agree not to give away, sell, trade, or use the unit anywhere but on their property.
What Kinds Of Programs For AC units Are Available?
One of the best ways to get free air conditioning is through LIHEAP. This program offers funds for low-income families and individuals who are having trouble paying their utility bills. It has been around since 2005, and it assists in distributing over $3 billion every year.
Another way to get free AC is through Craigslist. Some people post ads on Craigslist offering money or other items in exchange for an AC unit, so you might want to check there before you resort to buying one yourself.
If you have disabilities, several programs offer free air conditioners for qualified people. These programs include Weatherization Assistance Program and Lifeline Energy Program.
What Is The Process For Requesting An Air Conditioner?
If you need an air conditioner, call 866-674-6325 and let them know your situation. They will come out to inspect your house and make sure it meets the requirements before giving you an air conditioner.
Will I Need A Down Payment And Credit Check?
Getting an air conditioner for your home is one of the best ways to beat the heat, but with prices ranging anywhere between $350-$1500 and installation costing an additional $400-$1000, it can be tough to find affordable options.
Luckily, many government programs offer free air conditioners to low-income families in need. These programs include:
- The U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program.
- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
- The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) -The New York State Emergency Home Service program.
Free Air Conditioner Programs
It is important to make sure that veterans have access to free air conditioners during these hot summer months. There are many programs available that can provide free air conditioning units for veterans and other people who need them.
These programs include Free AC for Veterans, a Free AC unit from the Saint Vincent De Paul Society, a Free air conditioner for senior citizens, a Free air conditioner for Disabled people, and more.
Check out this blog post for more information on how to get a free air conditioner unit or visit your local Saint Vincent De Paul Society center.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides free air conditioners to low-income people who are at risk of high energy costs or who have emergencies.
Eligible households may receive one air conditioner per heating season, with a maximum allowance of two air conditioners in any 12 months.
Who Is Eligible For HEAP?
Low-income households are at risk of high energy costs or emergencies. Households must also meet basic eligibility criteria for participation in federal assistance programs.
Free Air Conditioner For Low-Income Families (LIHEAP)
The Free AC for Low-Income Families program provides up to two free air conditioners per household, and it can provide you with an air conditioner in just two weeks. All you need to do is fill out the application form and wait for your air conditioner to be delivered.
The government will also install air conditioners so that they are safe and working. Additionally, any low-income family who has a disabled person living in their household can qualify for free AC units through the Free AC for Disabled people program.
Free AC units are available through churches, too – they come as donations or funds are raised to donate them.
The Program’s Details And How It Works?
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides some relief for low-income households and individuals who need help covering their heating and cooling costs.
The program offers both emergency and ongoing assistance to help people with their energy bills. Eligibility for both types of assistance varies depending on income level, home size, family size, and other factors. LIHEAP can provide free air conditioners or help with paying utility bills.
Call the local social service office or visit the website to learn more about LIHEAP Free air conditioner programs in your area.
Free Air Conditioner For Veterans
You are eligible to receive a free air conditioner through the Veterans Administration if you meet the following requirements:
- You served during WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, or Grenada.
- You were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions.
- You have been rated by VA for 100% disability compensation or are receiving a VA pension.
- Your annual income is below $27,821 (single) or $35,051 (married).
- You live in an area where heating and cooling degree days are equal to or exceed 65.
- Your home is not adequately heated and cooled and has no other source of heat or cooling such as window units.
- There is no available federal heating and cooling assistance program in your area that serves your home type.
Free Air Conditioner From Saint Vincent De Paul Society
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is an excellent resource for individuals who need help paying their energy bills. In addition to their basic emergency assistance, they also offer financial assistance in the form of a free air conditioner.
Individuals can qualify for this program if they meet all of these criteria:-
- The recipient must be at least 18 years old.
- The recipient must not have made more than $12,000 per year in gross income over the last three years.
- The recipient must not own more than one home.
- The recipient must not be able to receive assistance through any other government program.
- The recipient must have lived in California for at least six months out of the past year.
- If applying as a family, all members must meet the requirements above.
- If applying as an individual, no dependent children are allowed.
Free Air Conditioner From Craigslist
If you need to buy an air conditioner or want to upgrade your existing unit, then you may be eligible for a Free Portblair conditioner from Craigslist. If you qualify, all you have to do is answer a few questions and then they will ship it out to you.
The best part is that this program is free of charge. It only costs $5 to process your application. These are some qualifying criteria:-
- You must live in one of these states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming.
- Your home must be valued at less than $726,000.
- Your annual income cannot exceed $47,000.
- If you meet those requirements then go ahead.
Free Air Conditioner For Disabled
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers disaster relief for people who are disabled and need air conditioning units. The program is called Personal Property Replacement Program (PPRP).
This program can provide one or more free air conditioners to those who are disabled and need air conditioning units due to damage as a result of a natural disaster. Free air conditioners from the government 2022 are available until July 1, 2022.
Free Air Conditioners from the churches: Some churches will offer free air conditioners if you bring your labor to install them.
Salvation Army Free Air Conditioner
There are many ways to find free air conditioners. One way is to contact your local Salvation Army. They will have many donated air conditioners they need to get rid of, and they’ll just give them away if you pick them up.
All you have to do is ask. Another way is to contact churches that may have air conditioners they are not using. At times it can be hard finding these churches, but once you locate one they will be more than happy to provide you with a free air conditioner.
Churches typically offer their old units because they know how important it is for people in the community to stay cool during this heatwave and because A/C units are expensive for non-profits who rely on donations for funding.
Free Air Conditioner From Churches
If your income is low enough, you can get a free air conditioner from churches in your area. The government provides money to these churches to help them provide this service for their congregations.
To find out if you are eligible for this program, contact your local church and ask if they are participating in the program.
They will be able to direct you on the next steps. Some of the other requirements to qualify for this program include:-
- Be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- Have an annual income below $35,000.
- Have at least one member of the household who is 60 years or older.
- Have no children under 18 living with you.
- Have been a resident of the United States since Jan. 1, 2000 (or continuously since that date).
- Be unable to obtain financial assistance from any other source (you must fill out an application).
- Churches may only distribute one air conditioning unit per household and not more than 200 units per congregation per year.
Check with your local church to see how many units they are distributing to plan accordingly.
Free Air Conditioner From LIHEAP For Senior Citizens
The United States Department of Health and Human Services offers assistance to individuals who meet eligibility requirements with air conditioners. The program is called Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and it has been around since 1981.
The LIHEAP program provides families with either cash or an air conditioner unit. There are specific qualifications that need to be met to qualify for this program.
This program does not provide cooling relief for apartment complexes. However, those complexes may offer their assistance programs as well. If you have trouble qualifying for this program, contact your local Community Action Agency which helps people find resources.
The air conditioning units given out by this program are relatively inexpensive and have been determined by DOE standards to work efficiently in a home setting. They will also last up to 10 years if properly maintained according to manufacturer guidelines.
It is important to understand that these units must be installed properly and cannot be put outdoors due to safety hazards. Anyone interested can apply online on the LIHEAP website during business hours Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST.
Do I Have Any Other Options Outside Of This Program Available?
The government is giving away free air conditioners to low-income households. To find out if you are eligible, call 866-674-6325 or visit www.energyassistance.ohio.gov/airconditioners/.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I qualify for an air conditioner?
If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible.
Live in public housing or were displaced by Hurricane Harvey.
How do I apply for an air conditioner?
Visit www.fema.gov/disaster-assistance-application and select Disaster Home Repair to find out more information about how to apply for assistance.
What documents do I need to apply for an air conditioner?
To complete your application, you will need to provide:-
- Proof of income,
- Social Security cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs),
- Proof of home ownership and insurance.
When can I apply for an air conditioner?
The government is accepting applications between May 2nd – August 31st.