A lot of people look to energy-efficient appliances to save money on their energy bills, but sometimes the place you need to look is at your free hot water heater.
A water heater that’s too small or that isn’t properly maintained can account for 10% of your total energy bill! Luckily, several low-income families in your community are eligible to get free water heaters through the program below.
This is an amazing program that will save you money in the long run while helping low-income families stay warm during the cold months! Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
What Is A Free Water Heater Program For Low-Income Families?
The Arizona Department of Securities is offering a free water heater for low-income families through its HAP program. Eligible residents can receive a free electric water heater or a used water heater from craigslist.
Residents who are eligible for the HAP program will be given preference, but it is not exclusive to those who are on public assistance.
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program also offer programs that assist in paying for fuel and utilities, including the installation of a new heating system.
These programs are different from the HAP program because they require those seeking assistance to show proof of residence and an income level below certain levels.
Must Check: How to get a Free Air conditioner from the government?
They also have deadlines for the application that may be sooner than the HAP application deadline date of December 31.
How Do I Apply For A Free Hot Water Heater?
The Free Hot Water Heater program is available to low-income households that live in homes where the householder is at least age 60 or disabled.
To apply for a water heater from the HAP, applicants must submit documentation of income, address, and social security number. If you’re missing any of these pieces, talk with your worker at the community agency to find out how to fill it in.
Applicants will also be contacted by an evaluator who will verify application information and provide case management if needed. If approved, they’ll need to pay their new water bill each month until the balance is paid off.
If not approved, applicants can still get help paying their existing electric and gas bills.
How Do I Know If I qualify For The Free Water Heater Program?
The Free Hot Water Heater application process is simple, as long as you meet the requirements. You will need to provide your name, address, and proof of income for the last 12 months.
Other information may be required depending on the type of assistance you are applying for.
Once you have completed and submitted your application online, it will be processed, and once approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule a water heater installation appointment.
There is no obligation to purchase anything from the company that installs your water heater.
To find out if you qualify for assistance, fill out our online form.
Alternatively, you can call their official customer care number between 8:00 a.m and 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, to speak with an agent about your potential eligibility for a free water heater installation or a free cold water conversion kit.
Agents are available in English and Spanish and can help you apply our online form from their end so you don’t need to enter your information twice!
What Are The Benefits Of The Free Water Heater Program?
Many people find that a water heater is one of their largest utility bills each year. When you are on a tight budget and can’t afford to pay for the increased cost, it can be devastating.
That’s why there is a free water heater program available for low-income families.
HAP stands for the Heating Assistance Program, which is run by the government to make sure that no one has to go without heat during the cold winter months.
All you have to do is complete an application and provide some basic information about your household to determine your eligibility.
You will then be contacted to schedule an appointment with someone who will come out and check the system before making any repairs or replacements. The best part? There is no charge whatsoever!
The current administration wants everyone to stay warm this winter – so if you require help with heating assistance, now is the time!
What Are The Free Water Heater Programs?
Residents that require a water heater for their homes, can contact the free water heater for low-income programs, which is offered by many local nonprofit agencies.
Additionally, many people opt to purchase a tankless water heater to prevent future maintenance issues.
The original cost ranges from $600 – $1,000; however, some families qualify to receive a low-income federal tax credit of up to $300 per taxpayer or 50% of the cost.
Nonprofit organizations and government programs also offer grants and financial aid for households with incomes that fall below certain levels.
There are many different types of assistance available, so you may want to look into other programs as well. In any case, if you find yourself in need of a new water heater, we hope you take advantage of these helpful resources!
Arizona Department Of Securities
It’s important to maintain a healthy water heater because it can be expensive to replace. Replacing a gas or electric water heater can cost up to $3,000, and buying a new one can mean monthly payments for the rest of your life.
That’s why the Arizona Department of Securities is proud to offer a Free Hot Water Heater For Low-Income Families.
The program offers qualified low-income families assistance with the purchase, installation, and delivery of eligible gas or electric water heaters, so they don’t have to worry about cost or accessibility.
To qualify, applicants must reside in an area where the income is 80% below federal poverty guidelines ($3500/year), which includes households with one adult working at least 30 hours per week at minimum wage ($17,500/year) or households with two adults working at least 30 hours per week each (still only $3500/year).
Those not eligible for other home energy programs may also apply if their household income does not exceed 100% of federal poverty guidelines ($4200/year).
You may also qualify if you have experienced a reduction in household income due to layoffs or medical conditions.
Households that already participate in another state home energy program such as LIHEAP will automatically qualify for this free water heater program as well!
Heating Assistance Program (HAP)
The HAP offers residents who meet income requirements a free water heater, also known as a heating appliance. The program is available to those who live in Los Angeles County.
The goal of the program is to help reduce energy costs by providing heaters for low-income families.
To receive a free water heater, you must be able to provide proof that you are eligible for the program. Once this has been determined, an application will need to be filled out and sent back to the HAP office.
If approved, applicants will then have their homes inspected and it will be determined if any upgrades need to take place for the installation process to go smoothly.
First come first served so don’t wait too long or this opportunity may pass you by!
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) For Free Hot Water Heater
Home Energy Assistance Programs are available in the state of California, and they provide eligible low-income households with assistance in paying their heating and cooling bills.
In addition to this, the program also provides a free water heater. This Program is specifically for low-income families that have an outdated or broken water heater.
You may be able to get free water heaters for up to $500 if you qualify, so don’t hesitate!
The program pays for either all or part of your electric bill and then helps you choose a brand new electric water heater on their website.
Call now if you would like more information on how they can help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint.
It’s very easy – all you need to do is fill out the form today on their official website!
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program For Free Hot Water Heater
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) offers a free water heater program for low-income families. If you’re a senior citizen and need a new water heater, you can also apply.
You’ll need to meet the LIHEAP income guidelines to qualify and there are some other qualifications as well. The application process is easy and should only take about ten minutes of your time to complete.
There’s no obligation and you’ll get a decision right away on whether or not you can receive the assistance you need.
The best part about this program is that it will give you a brand-new water heater with all installations included. Just fill out the form and submit it today so that you can be eligible to receive this great benefit!
Heat Energy Assistance Program For Free Water Heaters
The Heat Energy Assistance Program for free water heaters offers assistance to low-income, senior citizens, and disabled residents who need help installing or repairing their water heaters.
The program is designed to help people be more comfortable in their own homes by lowering heating bills and providing a safer environment. To qualify for the program, you must:
- Be age 60 or older.
- Be on SSI/SSDI with a disability of at least 50%.
- Or have an annual household income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power offers several types of assistance for low-income families who need water heaters. The Heater Exchange program offers two options:
The Households with Limited Resources (HLR) Option, which provides a water heater at no charge to qualified applicants, and the Heat Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) option, in which an applicant can choose either a new or reconditioned unit.
To qualify for either option, you must meet all of these requirements:
To apply for the Heat Energy Assistance Program you will need to call LADWP Customer Service Department, if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment.
Environmental Protection Agency Runs The Energy Star
The EPA partners with Energy Star to offer a free water heater program for low-income families. The US Department of Energy (DOE) created the Energy Star brand to help people identify energy-efficient products.
Through this partnership, the EPA offers an energy-efficient water heater that is eligible for utility rebates and tax credits. You can find out if you qualify by filling out a brief form on the EPA website.
If your home qualifies as having a limited or fixed income, you are considered low-income. If your home qualifies as being located in California then you are eligible for the free water heater program in California!
All other states have national standards so check out their list of qualifications before signing up!
To be eligible for rebates from participating utilities or tax credits, you have to have a free water heater program approved by Energy Star.
Eligible applicants can replace their current inefficient tank with a new Energy Star tankless hot water heater and save money!
If you are replacing an existing electric-resistance (tank) or gas-fired (tank) water heater at least 20 years old, you are eligible for $200 in either utility rebates or tax credits.
You can also get up to $300 if your electric-resistance (tank) or gas-fired (tank) water heater is between 10 and 20 years old.
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
Every winter, many low-income families struggle to pay their heating bills, often choosing between food and keeping warm in their homes.
To help these families keep warm this winter without breaking the bank, the Weatherization Assistance Program is providing a free water heater for seniors!
The Weatherization Assistance Program provides a limited number of low-income households with a new water heater.
The goal of the program is to allow these households to have access to hot water during this cold winter season and through the next few years.
Water heaters are usually provided at no cost to those who qualify but may have installation costs associated with them depending on where you live.
If you’re interested in receiving a water heater for your senior citizen household, fill out the form here before December 15th.
There are many programs mentioned above such as the Water heater Assistance Program where you can get a free water heater installed in your home if needed. The income requirements are set at 200% of the Federal Poverty level or below, so it is not too difficult to qualify.
Other programs exist to help those who need a little extra assistance with their utility bills and even a meal delivery service for seniors. Keep this information in mind if you know someone who might need it!
If they don’t have enough resources to pay their energy bills, they may be eligible for a free water heater installation through these programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a free water heater?
Free water heater programs are mainly available in California, and they range from a single unit to an entire house. Most of these programs are first come, first serve, so you should apply quickly if you qualify. Many of the programs also have income requirements. If you don’t live in California, contact your state’s Department of Commerce for more information on qualifying for any federal low-income assistance programs.
What if I don’t meet all of these requirements?
If you think you might qualify but don’t meet all of these requirements, talk to your local Department of Commerce. The staff may be able to help.
Are there any other options besides free?
There are plenty of affordable water heaters out there, some that work as well as their pricey counterparts. You just need to do some research and find one that fits your needs and budget.
What are some other alternatives to a water heater?
You could also try a tankless or solar system. A solar system uses energy from sunlight to heat your water, which is stored in a hot water tank. A tankless system heats your water directly using natural gas or electricity and doesn’t store any heated water. A combination of both can be more efficient than just one alone; however, it can get expensive if you invest in both at once.